
The Party - excerpts from Twisted Ride by Shelley Silverwine

                The party

Cree always looked forward to seeing the old Club Hole during the 4th of July.  The pig roast was always a great time to get some home cooking.  The boys in the area always did a quick motorcycle run before the roast to support the troops.  Of anything else, they all valued freedom and what the troops stood for to keep all of them free.  Most of the guys Cree knew in and around the town really did what they wanted, when they wanted, to whomever they wanted because freedom was always theirs.
    There were jacks and dolls from the town starting to pull up and around the Hole to get ready to ride.  The smell of coffee filled the air and Billy, the owner of the bar, was serving it to all the riders.  Scantily clad young chicks were washing bikes for the cause.  The weather was pretty humid for 10 in the morning, about ninety percent humidity and eighty degrees, but it was July after all.

Around on the sunny side of the bar there was a line for sign up for the ride.  Cree went over to the big white tables to fill out the form and pay the money for the ride.  He worked his way to the front of the line and the tops of big breast hung out of a bikini met his eyes.  They were just the right size that it was a toss up if they were real or fake.   He was thinking how he could get her to bounce up and down to see how they jiggled.  Just that thought alone made him have hard time focusing on filling out the forms properly for the ride.  Billy had called over to the strip bar down the road to have help for the ride.  They were always willing to help out Billy for such a great event for the town.

Cree was in his typical black clothes fashion when he got a tap on his shoulder.  “Little hot to be wearing black don’t you think?” a voice behind him whispered in his ear.

Cree turned around to see a dark haired blast from his past.  His ex-wife, Carrie, was behind him and with her shimmering brown eyes that seemed to be dancing in the sunlight.  “Like me and my clothes, I will be fine!  Why would you care anyhow?”, Cree snapped and turned back around.

“Same old, same old,” she said as she grabbed a form off the table.

He took a quick double take in amazement when she started to sign it with her own name.  While another girl behind her did the same thing.

“You ride or just being bitch?”  With a chuckle he cracked

“Well aren’t we in a mood.  Someone piss in your coffee?  Oh, that’s right you probably couldn’t tell either way with all that smoking you do.”   She bumped him over with her hip to finish filling out her form.

Why did she do that?  She hasn’t gotten that close since the night before she left out of his life.  “So why should I care what you say?   Gotta go”, Cree left without picking up the sticker for his bike to eat at the roast after the ride.

He just couldn’t understand why today, she would say anything to him.  It has been 30 years.  She was as beautiful as when they met, still trim and vibrant.  He didn’t need to hash up all those old feeling again.  He had his heart broke once before by her.  Not this time.  Once was enough.  Then again a one night stand wouldn’t be too bad.   He could definitely deal with that.

“Here is your sticker you prick.  Don’t you want to eat after we ride?”  Someone hit him on his back.  Cree’s old friend Pat stood there with the little with sticker for the bike.  “What’s goin on, the old ball and chain spook you?”

“Na, just don’t need her shit unless she puts out, shuts up and leaves” Cree answered with a punch to his friends shoulder.

“Yup she is good to look at.   Not worse for the wear of the years.  You would have known that if you been round lately.”  Pat glared at Carrie’s ass.

“Ya know, work and all.  Gotta go where the load is needed.  All for the money,”  laughed Cree.

“Yeah and none for the show, but a beat up old mustang, a broken down Dyna and a storage unit, right.”  Laughed Pat.

“Ya, whatever, not like your opinion matters.”  Cree pulled out a cigarette out Pall Mall pack with his teeth.  He reached into his left vest pocket and pulled out a golden shiny engraved Zippo the refraction of the sun shown into Pat’s eyes.  Then with a squint of his eyes Cree lit the cigarette.  “So how are Sarah and the kids Pat?”  Cree asked.

“Ya know college cost.  I can’t run enough supply to keep up.  You know Carrie divorced that lazy ass she was with.”  Pat said while waving at Carrie.

“Why tell me, don’t care,” grumbled Cree.

“You do too.  You are still carrying that stupid lighter around with you everywhere.”  Grabbing it from Cree.  “How long have you had it about 30 years now?  Give it up and git a new one if she doesn’t mean anything to you,”  snapping back at Cree.

Cree just couldn’t understand why Carrie left him those 30 years ago.  He knew he had problems but wasn’t marriage forever unless someone died?  It did take him a bit to get home after the war but being a prisoner of war was not easy.  Rank, serial number, date of birth was about all that he could say.  The being tortured in sand hole up to your eyeballs, guns going off next to your head and worse of all seeing his buddies being cut apart slowly just to find out information about the operation that was headed their way was just sooo easy.  He just couldn’t bear losing his fight of wills because thinking about Carrie was the only thing that kept him strong.  Then within two year of him finally getting back to the states she leaves.  He just didn’t care anymore.   It was just so surprising for her to bump him at the table this morning.  She pushed his button on of feel a little bit alive again.

Why did he call her a bitch?  Such the wrong thing to say.  He didn’t mean it he had just been so hurt for so many years it just came out that way.  Showing any kind of hurt should never be shown to anyone and it would be worse to show it to her.   Maybe he should make it up to her after the ride.  Maybe buy her a beer or maybe just hit on her hot friend that was next to her on the bikes. 
The ride was ready to get started.  Billy’s brother, Matt came up to the deck of the bar and stood on the pine railing along the edge.  At the top of his lungs he yelled to the riders to gather around for safety and ride tips.  He explained the hand signals needed to be used to stay safe and then informed the riders to stay in a tight formation as to not have cars cut through between the riders.  It was a simple thing that needed to be told but many of the guys who were doing the ride felt they really didn’t need to listen because they had been riding for years and the ride was only 60 mile of farmland.  Who would really cut in the middle of the formation anyhow a cow?

After that quick announcement all the riders headed to their cycles.  There were about one hundred bikes from the area and four county motorcycle cops and the two local officers from town were ready on their own bikes to head the ride.   Officer Lora Suchmohr was the local officer that had a history in the town.  She had always had a crush on Cree but never was able to get close to him.  Cree just couldn’t deal with her because she followed in her daddy’s footsteps.  Her father had been the chief of police in town for years and always was harassing him and his old man for everything.  They couldn’t even walk across the street at the corner without the chief trying to write them up for jay walking.

Officer Lora came by the bikes and was checking all the tabs and asking to see everyone license. Lora was about five foot one with blond spiky hair that was very thin.  That was really the only thing thin on that woman.  She does work out at the local gym but eating Twinkies for breakfast and donuts for lunch doesn’t quit make a person very too buff.

Cree walked up to her with a cigarette hanging from his mouth and took her pen from her hand.  “So Mz. Sucmohr, why are you looking so hard for someone doing something wrong?  You hate competition?”  He chuckled.

“Cree, give my pen back and I want to see your license.  I am doing my job.  Does that bother you that I actually have a real job?”  She asked with so much sarcasm, you could cut it with a knife.

“Good one, Suc . . . Moooooore.  What, oh, I mean Officer Lora.

“So where is the license Cree?” She asked him with a stronger louder voice.

“Why?   You have the hots for me still?  You are not my type.”  He turned to the guys with his fingers on his chest.  “You really need to leave us alone so we can enjoy the day.  Maybe you should try to loosen your bra a bit and take that stick out of your ass and you may enjoy your day too.”  He turned back to her and chuckled while flipping her pen into her cleavage of her uniform.

“Ugh, Cree don’t make me take you . . .”  Officer Lora started to say when Cree went over to her and replied,
“What, you have nothing on me”, while he turned around he twisted he shoulders and go her to turn around and smacked her on her ass “thanks for the concern.”

By now there was a crowd gathering around them laughing so hard from the display by Cree and the Officer it made great entertainment while the riders waited for the ride to start.  Cree then turn around to the crowd and smiled under his dark polarized glasses and saluted the crowd.  He was given cheers for getting the officer to leave the area.  Cree was the only one in the town that could have gotten away with that.  He had known Lora since 7 and she had been the only kid in school that would talk to him about his mother’s death.  Her father had been the one that told him his mom had been shot at the park.  The old chief always had his daughter with him and when kids were involved in any dismal matter he was always there for them.  At least back then they were there to listen and help him through that tough time.

Officer Lora went over to the women who were riding next.  Carrie and the girl next to her were asked to take out their license.  Cree stopped talking to the guys in the group and look up to where Officer Lora was.  His blood began to boil and he clenched his fist.  He started to walk over the girls with very long strides in a hurried and quicken pace. He went over to Carrie and Officer Lora, “I said stop harassing us riders.”

He then took the licenses out of Officer Lora’s hand and his eyes look as if he had been a deer in head lights.  It said on the license Carrie White and Lilly White with the same address.

“Wow, what’s this your younger sister much way younger sister I didn’t know about.”  Looking at Carrie.

“Well, no Cree this is . . . “she stopped talking and took a long pause.

“So you found someone else to be happy with.  Someone else with the same last name too, “great, “ flipping the license back at the two.

 “Enough Lora, my final word to you.”  Pointing his finger at her while saying it.  Cree started walking back to his bike while grabbed a cigarette out of his front vest pocket.  From his t-shirt pocket he pulled the lighter to light it.  In the meantime, Carrie was weaving though the crowds to try to explain to Cree about Lilly.  She was really hoping to talk to him after the ride about that but when push comes to shove you have to do what you have to do.

“Cree wait, I will explain.”  But when Carrie got to him he walked further into the crowd and then into the bar.

 “Man,” she said to Lilly who was following her.  “Maybe I won’t tell him.  He still pisses me off.

“Mom, you have to.  I really think he should know.”  Lilly said while grabbing her hand.

“I know” she stopped when she figured he was too far in the crowd. ”I will tell him after the ride like I planned.”  And she started walking back to her bike.

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