My name Silver wine
The name Silver wine was developed by my brother, St. Nic of Detroit,
aka Nicodemus, Chongo, James Chongo Houvener (among other name).
I asked for help from him and he gave it to me freely.
I never had anyone critique my writing
because I was scared of others making fun of it or worse yet all the personal
hurts that I experienced would then be exposed.
Kinda like standing in the middle of town with no cloths on
I was lost in my life, at that
time, when he decided to help me develop my writing. I could not trust anyone, at least looking at my writing, and in many areas of my life I found out later.
Stepping back a few, prior to the name inception, I was a house wife with two
children. I had always written poems, stories, plays, essays and
different types of material for emotional outlet and release. I had books
and journals always scattered around where ever I was. My best friends in
my times of great sorrow and disparity were dictionaries and a thesaurus.
I met St. Nic at a graduation party in 1984 at that time his
brother was was my boyfriend of about 1 month. St. Nic was always really
mysterious but most of all he was an artist. He wrote music, played in
his own band, and was very colorful in nature. The tattoos were amazing
and his music somewhat psychedelic but moving. I was sort of a wild
spirit and he warned his brother that I could be a handful. His insight
was always spot on!
Later on in his life
he developed inoperable brain cancer.
His battles with cancer were always one step into the grave while still trying to be
a loving husband and father as well as a musician and artist.
We were never really too close in the
beginning because our contact had been few and far between events. About 7
years passed and there I sat in marriage with two children.
I was in a mode because our
household because my husband worked quite a bit and I did not have a
job outside the home. I found myself trying to find purpose again as a person.
remembering how we actually started talking again, I think it was just after
Christmas dinner at the in-laws.
decided to help out my brother because it seemed like something I could do to make a difference. My husband would go to
work in Detroit. After I would drop him off I would drive to St.
Nics home with the kids. Sometimes I would take him to doctors, the
pharmacy, the store or some days back to my house just to get him out of his
because his days became so long. I would basically share what my family had
because that was what you did, help family, right? After a while I felt
comfortable letting him see my work.
put together a mixture of my poems, edited them and critiqued them. He looked over their format and
content of what many I had written. After some time, he told me to get it published by what ever
means I could and get my work out there at different venues.
Life then got very complicated because I went in too many directions. So
that is for another time.
As for the
name here is what he stated about why he felt silver wine was a good pen name
for me.
Silver is a precious metal I was precious to him and his family
because I was there helping and enjoying life with them.
Silver has malleable qualities and
with my writing he found that I was quickly learning from the tips he had given
Silver has the highest know
electrical and thermal conductivity of all the metals - he told me that I was a
very loving person who gave warmth to all that knew me.
Silver has reflective qualities
and he felt my work always reflected the real me.
As for
wine when it ages and is better with time. He looked
over much of my writing and from what I had produced in the 80's compared to
what I was writing in the 90's he felt just kept getting better.
So as of now, I am working on my self again.
The writing does not flow like it did but I do have a book of poems to
I had it on a word processer
back then now I have to start over once more putting them in a system to
Maybe before was not my
St. Nic has now passed away from
his cancer but I still have the book of poems in the same setup that he sent it
to me in, literally the same mailing envelope.
I have intermittently started and stopped this poem book and will finish
it with his name on it as intended.
So that is what is all about the name Silver wine. Thank you Nicodemus, Spidy & Blu for welcoming me into your family!
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