So it’s been a while since I have been active. Between the life that is and the life that was to the life that an be, life just happens. Where are you today better or worse than yesterday? I can’t decide because life is just different.

The shield I used to use to hide behind tp keep my soul from being hurt has now been striped away from me. I find myself using a different kind of shield to hide behind. Not everyone likes it but I feel safe.
Many days I don’t like the new shield either because it’s rough, louder and more of a direct threat to others but at least I feel safe.
Should it be there to shield me or to make others feel comfortable?
Do I really need a shield at all anymore?
Do you have a shield you have to keep you feel safe?
Being hurt by others is hard. Some use laughter, others use avoidance and still others use fighting as their shield.
Is there a right answer or a wrong answer about a shield?
If you have one, what do you use your shield for?

The shield I used to use to hide behind tp keep my soul from being hurt has now been striped away from me. I find myself using a different kind of shield to hide behind. Not everyone likes it but I feel safe.
Many days I don’t like the new shield either because it’s rough, louder and more of a direct threat to others but at least I feel safe.
Should it be there to shield me or to make others feel comfortable?
Do I really need a shield at all anymore?
Do you have a shield you have to keep you feel safe?
Being hurt by others is hard. Some use laughter, others use avoidance and still others use fighting as their shield.
Is there a right answer or a wrong answer about a shield?
If you have one, what do you use your shield for?
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