Within Chinese culture the dragon is a powerful symbol.
This celestial creature is a spirit of the many things. Ancient Chinese
culture has the dragon shown throughout their history. It is said that dragons unfold the storm
clouds and wash their scales in the waves.
The fire that they breathe is what streaks through the sky as
lightening. In the history of the Chinese
culture it is said that the dragon of old came down onto the earth and became
the son of heaven. He lived as a mortal
as a person of the Emperor. It is really cool and a little to indepth for this blog post but maybe we can explore that another day.
The meaning of dragon has been very consistent throughout the culture and a must to have the proper flowing feng shui in many homes and business because it is such a favorable symbols. They appear on bells, temples, palaces and swords. Placing dragons in your home is a big part of Taoist Feng Shui magic. There is specific ways to do just that because they have to sit in the right places, for the magic to be awakened and in the right aspect of flow. There is certain taboo that can go along with their size and color. Many dragons have better power when they are arranged within flowing water. The time of the day that the dragon is the most powerful is between 7 a.m. and 9 a.m. which is called the dragon hour.

As for the size of the dragon, they need to be fat and well fed if you would like to be prosperous. One of the best image of the dragon is if they are holding a wish-fulfilling pearl. If you purchase a dragon painting for your home make sure that the eyes are open and bright especially when you hang the picture in your home. To open their eyes use the sun and incense sticks.
The dragon was said
to have supernatural powers and able to change color from blue-green to gold
yellow and has the ability to be a shape shift. The dragon is said to encompass cosmic chi,
which within every breath is a promise of a better life. To be touched by the dragon’s unbelievable
prosperity and unimaginable happiness occurs when they breath upon a deserving person to awakening
their mind, body and spirit. Anything is
then possible!
Certain dragons work in different places of power such as Tien Lung, which is the sky
dragon. He lives between the swirl of the clouds. He has claws and is usually seen as the imperial dragon. Many times Tien Lung is drawn in gold and pictured coiled up. He breaths tonges of fire and chases after a pearl which brings power and nobility to his being.
Shen Lung or the sea
dragon is the king of the 4 cardinal directions. He breathes foam and lives near water. He usually is blowing spouts of water. This can bring prosperity to others when you
place this dragon image near water.
Ti Lung is the earth
dragon which lives in marshlands and hidden in the many hills and
mountains. He has a small neck, a
hornless head and a red body with a green back.
How do you wear a dragon?
Well there are many ways to do just that so lets take a look at a few:
When you wear a dragon on a necklace that is a beautiful protective talisman. One very important thing to remember is never wear a dragon on your heart. So do not wear a long necklace or long pendant.
Try something different like a gold or diamond pin or a clip. This can turn the dragon into an amulet of protections.
Dragon rings can help to create powerful chi which can protect a person from the drama driven people. Those who like to plot against you behind your back is just not right so keep your back covered with a dragon in your corner.
When you wear dragons for protection think of what fits into
your unique style. It is very important to know what is the proper
way to wear them. So for men wear your dragon on the left side while for women it is best to wear
the dragon on your right side. That keep the yin and yang energy in its proper place.
Please remember the nevers:
- Never place the dragon inside the toilet or bathroom or even facing those places. This would just let your good fortune go down the drain, so to say.
- Never place or hang a dragon in the south or the sector of fire.
- Never hang a dragon above a fireplace or anywhere it would look to burn your dragon figuratively or literally.
- Never use a rug with a dragon on it. Success can not happen when you keep stomping on it.
The one that brings me great joy in reading is her irrestible feng shui magic. Which talks about different magic & rituals for love success and happiness in the Chinese culture.
For me I wear my dragon all the time, and yes it is on my right side.