There are so many of us that are doing every little thing for our business. These different task can take up so much of your time especially when you have a family or loved ones that you are taking care of. If we add more than that, life can get out of control if we don't pace ourselves. So who are we? I have heard some others saying that who we are is reflected in our work. So let’s put that in writing. We are who we are but how do you tell others. It is one thing to do amazing works but how do we describe you?
Prepare an Author Biography (Bio)
A bio is a written account of your life. This will be included in most articles you write or products you produce. It drives traffic to your blog or other specific works that you accomplish. It can help promote who you are to your readers and potential clients. So take a peek at others blogs to help you see what makes a person good as an author of a bio. Check out one of your favorite books or websites. After that look try the next few steps.
Here are a few tips that may help.
Start with your name because first things first. It is great to see your name on your own creations. For me it is always fun to brainstorm ideas about who you are. Write down all the words that describe you and if you can think of any go to a dictionary or thesaurus and look at some words. Everyone needs help once in a while and why not pick up a book for ideas. Maybe look at the books on your shelf what kind of titles or information did you buy them for. Ideas are everywhere
Identify what your purpose to promote your blog. What is the important part of what you are doing or promoting? If your are writing about something specific tell a little about it. The challenge here is to be short, sweet and to the point. Nobody likes wordy, long information that is dry and boring.
Make sure to have the important information first so if you have to modify your bio for any reason you have a good base to work from.
A bio should be using a Third Person Perspective is needed and would be written objectively. This means to writing it as you are narrating for yourself.
The long or short of it for your bio is to understand what the requirements are for each place it is going. If it is for your own blog do what you can to not bore the reader but use it to inform. If you need to put it out there on your twitter account to promote your blog you do not need so much information. Just a few main points and a redirection can make your blog get the traffic you like to see.
Throw in that extra something-something that is uniquely you. Remember the word list you did earlier go back to that. What kind of specialties only comes from you. It could be a word, a phrase, a stands you took, or any other idea that you have an uncommon twist on. For me it is quilting or knitting. There are not many people in my age bracket that quilts or knits so spine some ideas out of that.
How are your followers going to contact you? Get those details out there on everything that produce. You want to have people know you are reliable and if they like what they read in one area they could venture into other avenues of you blog/business to find out more so they can enjoy more.
At the end of it all read and reread your bio. Check for spelling errors, grammar problems, and/or sentences that don't make sense. Read it out loud and see if if flows the way you want. Have someone close to you listen to the bio and get their feedback. When you do this alone you may only have a one sided opinion.
What you are doing in your business and in your blog can only be successful if you get people interested in it. You need to be able to connect with your readers so give them the goods to read about.

Don’t be that praying mantis on the wall.
Thanks all for your continued support!
My writing reaches multifaceted avenues in my life. It has been fun and I am continuing to look forward to more excitement in other areas of my business life.
You can catch me at and soon on my own website at (not in service yet)
The Art of Freelance Blogging
Kevin Mulldoon
8 Steps to Writing a Bio Like a Pro (Chris Brogan in Fact)
Personal Branding, Undercover Recruiter