
Friday, January 15, 2016

Cancer is that a death sentence. . . . . Who is your hero! Healthy Thrusday!

These past two days we have heard big stars dying of cancer such as David Bowie (69), liver cancer; and Alan Rickman (69)

We listen to David Bowie’s song Under Pressure with Queen artist Freddie Mercury and wonder if they are in heaven making music together once again. Then before the New Year, Lemmy Klimister of the band Motorhead (70) died with cancer on Dec 28, 2015.  So no more jack and cokes, can I have a “Lemmy”?
What they brought to the table as artist really shaped they dynamics of each era that was changing before the blink of our eyes. The thoughtful dynamics of wondrous music at the heights of any given stage they shall play for all to listen in awe.  Not caring if it was number one but they did what they loved and that was what mattered.  
From glam to pop, from the silver screen to the theater stage, from punk to metal they lived!
We trusted Snape, even if Hans was not to be trusted. 
They did many things during their careers had the money to fight and yet they still died.  No billion dollar jackpot just their hard working they put into life which could have been, at least for some, their downfall too.

Could some or many of these types of cancers be averted?  Yes, well maybe?!

Cancer develops when a cell has damaged DNA.  That can make the chemicals get out of whack and the instructions on the DNA are incomplete to make other healthy cells.  During the time that the damaged cell starts to divide it can chance to create cancer cells.  There are certain cells that cause cancer which are called aflatoxins and they are the ones that damage cells.  That would be damage to the TP53 gene and it can start to increase and grow with more abnormal cells and more cancer.

There are many types of cancers that you would have to watch what you eat and drink.
Did these stars have to die?  Are they the only ones?  No would be the answer to all these questions
  • The CDC states that:
  • The number of adults who have ever been diagnosed with some form of cancer at about 20.1 million which would make it about 8.5% of the adult population have been diagnosed with cancer
On their website there is a 171 page booklet online (series 10, number 260) showing the 2012 summary of the cancer study that was ran February 2014.  You can find this at
One of the highlights shown in the summary did state that in 2012, 61% of the population stated that they were excellent or very good health.  The smoking populations of current smokers were 18% of the adults where it was documented that 21% were current smokers.  Mind you, these are all self-evaluations that were given to people by the and then were presented in detailed tables for 2012 by the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS).  Read the objective section of this report to understand fully how they designed the survey because there can be many factors that had been considered. 
******As with anything, never just go by a website or webpage.  If you are concerned about anything, lump, feeling, sickness, pain, sores, skin discoloration, painless swelling, loss of appetite, itchy skin or something just does not feel right, Please, PLEASE see your doctor.  They have the knowledge to help you and if you do not like that doctors’ answer go somewhere else and try again. 
If you have no money or are scared to go many hospitals and/or clinics have free times to get different tests and scans done.  Find them; don’t wait because it may be too late!

Breast cancer:  This is a cancer that can start as a malignant tumor. The tumors can hide but really check by any lympnode under and around the breast. Since cancer can start when the cells begin to grow it can grow out of control quickly.  When that happens it invades and can spread to other areas of the body.  Most of the time breast cancer happens in women but men can get it too.

Lung Cancer:  There are 3 main types of lung cancer, which are, non-small cell lung cancer, which are about 85% of all lung cancers and there are 4 types of cells involved in the cancer that can be in them; small cell lung cancer which is about 10 to 15% of all lung cancers.  These tend to spread quickly; and lung carcinoid tumor; grow slow and rarely spread. Because of the different kinds they all need to be treated a little differently.

Lymphoma:  a cancer that begins in cells of the immune system, specifically in the lymphocytes.  There are 2 types, B-cells & T-cells
This is the most common blood cancer in the United States, which represents about 5% of all the new cancers found i n 2014.  Approximately 71,000 new cases are diagnosed each year.

Liver Cancer: In some instance, the liver cells can get infections such as with hepatitis viruses.  This then damages the DNA.  More males have this type of cancer and it is probably because of the men having different risk factors.  With hepatitis, there is more than just one.  In the United States hepatitis C is most common, than there is hepatitis B, hepatitis a & e weighing lowly on the death scale.  At the end of the liver cancer is Cirrhosis or disease of the liver.  When the liver cells are so damaged it is usually due to possible alcohol abuse, or those suffering from hepatitis B or hepatitis C.  At this point the liver cannot filter out of the toxicity in ones body.  

There are many others so do some checking into them.  Brain Cancer, Colon Cancer, Skin cancer (that's is a biggie for many people), stomach cancer, pancreatic cancer and the list goes on

How could these be prevented:  In many cases stuff happens but for this the answers are still being tested.  Many things about cancers are unclear and research is still going on.  The researchers learn more every day.  Early detection is one of the best ways to help defeat these cancers so always look for the warning signs.  

The Big Things to Do to Stop These types of Cancers

For Breast Cancer: Self-breast exams, breastfeeding & mammograms

Liver:  Stop drinking, obesity, type 2 diabetes, inherited metabolic disease, watch for exposure to vinyl chloride and thorium dioxide (certain x-rays), do not use anabolic steroids, arsenic that can be in some contaminated water, specific parasites in certain areas of the world, tobacco use, and be careful with some birth control pills

Lung:  stay away from tobacco, radon, asbestos, diesel exhaust

Lymphoma:  Watch for signs of infections especially after any other cancers or illnesses.

For many of these cancers could be in your family so talk to them about it.  There may be a family history that needs to be given to other family members so they can be more vigilant in watching for the disease.

What can cause many different types of cancers:  Some can be immune system problems, infections, family history, previous cancer treatment, older age

Some studies show that chemicals at a certain job or some life style situations we develop which could include but not always, smoking, diet and/or obesity.

Please read the American Lung Cancer Web site at It can make a difference in your life.  I do not have all the answer.  I may not explain it totally right because I am not a doctor.  Knowledge is power so defend your self and arm your body with the knowledge to better you the best you can!

For all those that are still fighting the good fight, KICK CANCERS BUTTOCKS! If you can't, live every day as fully as possible.  Like David Bowie!  Rock ON!

Prayers for my friend Leisa, 
old friend Lisa
others that I know but not about the cancer
everyone fighting that fight

Who is your fighting hero?

A prayer for those who have passed on there is more than famous people who have passed away from cancer.  So lets list on.

Andrew Smith (25) Jan 13, 2016 Former Butler University basketball player, Hodgkin lymphoma
Phillip “Flip: Saunders (60) Oct 25, 2015
Jackie Collins (77) Sept 19, 2015 breast cancer
Ken Stabler (69) July 8, 2015 complications associated with colon Cancer NFL Quarterback
Chris Squire (67) June 28, 2015 bassist and cofounder of the band YES, leukemia
Beau Biden (46) May 30, 2015 brain cancer, son of vice president Joe Biden
Errol Brown (71) May 6, 2015 liver cancer, lead singer of the band Hot Chocolate,
Sam Simon (59) March 8, 2015, colon cancer, co-creator of the Simpsons.
Donna Douglas (82) 2015 pancreatic Cancer best know for playing Elly May Clampett
Alberta Watson (60) 2015 complications from lymphoma cancer, La Femme Nikata
Donna Summer (64) 2012
Adam Yauch (Nathanal Hornblower) (48) 2012 Beastie Boys fame
Dennis Hopper (74) 2010
Farrah Fawcett (62) 2009
Dom Deluise (76) 2009
Pope John Paul II (85) 2005
Victoria L S (too young) 2005 Breast to Lung to Bone cancer, my mother
Virginia K (nee S) (too young) 2005 lung cancer, my grandmother
Richard C (too young) 2004 colon cancer my sisters father
Suzzie G. U.(too young) 2001 Breast cancer to all over cancer my aunt
Judy S. (too young) 2001 ovarian cancer, my aunt

Thank your for showing me that fighting is what you make of it.  That darn Cancer! 

Per Alan Rickman, "Parts win prizes, not actors" - 2008
and "Actors are agents of change, a film, a piece of theatre, a piece of music or a book can make a difference.  It can change the world."

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