To kick off my first Supernatural Saturday I plan on speaking about the feline. All through history cats have been believed to possess some supernatural powers and were once worshiped (they obviously haven't forgotten that). In Ancient Egypt cats were known as Mau and they were first domesticated there. They were used as hunters and helped rid them of their rodents. They were actually protected by law and after death were mummified and buried in a special burial cemetery. The feline goddess you'll see represented most was Bast, the goddess of protection, the moon, fertility, and the protect of all cats.

In Celtic Lore they were also considered sacred (other than the black cat) for they were sacred to the goddess and were considered potent totem animals for several clans. Cats were believed to gaurd the gates to the other world, guardians of their treasure and a spiritual link between humans and the universe.

In Norse legends Freya, the goddess of love and beauty and one of the first fertility goddess's was believed to hold cats as sacred. Farmers would even leave out milk for the cats hoping this goddess would bless their harvest. There was also the belief that if a woman's wedding day had good weather the goddess also blessed her. If a cat was to be seen on that day that was a sign tht the marriage was to be a very very happy one.
This information came from
Cats really always have been mysterious and a bit mystical.
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